Mar 24, 2011

ITIL Major Incident - All you want to know

What is a Major Incident in ITIL? What are the roles and responsibilities? How to avoid common mistakes? What to do After the Resolution?

Trust me, I know what I'm doing!
Sledge Hammer

What is a Major Incident?
Definition of a Major Incident has to be clear to every employee in Service Support. Therefore it has to be clearly described in a separate document, Major Incident Procedure.

What makes a Major Incident? It is usually defined by the impact outage has or could have on customer’s business process. Also, it may be determined by priority of the incident or by its urgency.

How come that the impact isn’t allways the only factor in defining the Major incident? For example, an incident of high impact can be resolved by Service Desk thru a simple resolution procedure, like switch resetting after network down event, or connecting a backup provider after internet down event.

Both examples are definitely high impact but we don’t have to recruit a bunch of higher level people on it just yet. We just have to have in mind that they are Priority 1 and they have to be resolved ASAP. In case they can’t be resolved by standard procedure, THEN they can be marked Major and handled with appropriate procedure and policy. That’s why most leading Incident Management tools on the market have a separate checkbox Major or Hot incident.

This was all theory. In practice, to simplify the procedure and make it easier to Service Desk staff, this is what I usually advise: all priority 1 incidents are Major Incidents, if they are not exceptions. Exceptions can be easily defined for particular customers, contracts and incident categories. For example: Major incidents are all Priority 1 incidents except cash register tickets, which are urgent but can be fixed by technicians, no need to involve for more important people. Or: all categories except end user incidents. Simple.

Major Incident Team
OK, now we have determined it’s a Major Incident. What next? We establish a Major Incident Team. Members are:
  • Service Desk Manager – he will be responsible for communication with resolution team and timely reporting to the customer
  • Incident Manager – in reasonable service organizations Incident Manager is usually also the Service Desk Manager. If not, then these two have to work closely together.
  • Major Incident Manager: a frequent mistake is to promote Incident or Service Desk Manager into Major Incident Manager. This doesn’t have to, but can cause some serious conflicts of interests: he has to survive somewhere between Incident Management, Problem Management, Business Management and the customer.
    Major Incident Manager has to be a liaison between all internal parties involved, also acquainted well to technical aspects of the outage. So he will often be recruited between people formerly engaged in a project, or those involved in service catalogue definition.
  • Problem Manager: remember him? He will be most helpful here in investigative phase, towards closure phase, and a life saver in post mortem reporting. Better keep him on our side. Mind you, Major Incident is still an incident, but usually has some underlying cause which will be recognized as a Problem. Hence Incident and Problem Manager have to work closely here, each with his own goal in mind (service restoration vs. underlying cause).
  • Other members of Major Incident Team: representatives of all people involved, impacted users, competent technical staff, vendors... Good practice would be to choose people here the same way you would choose ECAB (Emergency Change Advisory Board) members. There is always a chance that you will be implementing an Emergency Change during a Major Incident resolution process.

Resolution Process
Major Incident resolution works on tight SLA parameters. Service Desk takes care of them. Also, ticket updates and frequent feedback to customers is performed by Service Desk. Remember, customer hates to be kept in the dark, even if news are bad (no progress) they must be updated frequently.

Major Incident Procedure has to define the escalation policy in case of SLA breech. Usually the incident is escalated vertically to higher level IT / Business management and to vendors of services/equipment underpinning the service.

After the battle
Upon the resolution, Incident Management Team stays “on call” and monitors the service for the period defined by Major Incident Manager. He also schedules a short team meeting for the next day.

Incident Review is performed on this meeting, points for improvement and lessons learned are defined and Post Mortem Major Incident Report is created.

Incident Manager sends the report to the customer.

I have prepared for you a template for Major Incident Report, free for download here.

Related posts:

Incident Management Elements
Key elements of Incident management.

Incident Management Mind Map
Download the incident management mind map.

All About Incident Classification
How to deal with incident categories.
Incident prioritization in ITIL.

Hope this helps. Have a nice day!