May 25, 2011

ISO/IEC 20000 - A Brief History

From DISC PD 005 over BSI 15000 to ISO/IEC 20000. Specifications, requirements, Code of practice.

History is a myth that men agree to believe.

ISO/IEC 20000 Timeline
ISO/IEC 20000 Timeline

I have been looking around for some brief document with ISO/IEC 20000 history, and I could not find anything useful.
Here are a few major points I have collected from various sources in ISO/IEC 20000 history.

1995: British Standard Institution (BSI) published the first version of DISC PD 0005:1995 - Code of Practice for IT Service Management. It described only four basic ITSM processes.

1998: BSI publishes a revised version of DISC PD 0005:1998 and it already described all five process areas and 13 processes as we know it today.

2000: Published BS 15000:2000 - Specification for IT Service Management which was used together with the code of practice DISC PD 0005.
Also in 2000, the third supplementary document entitled DISC PD 0015:2000 IT Service Management Self-Assessment Workbook was published.  It was a questionnaire that enabled anyone to make an assessment of its compliance degree with BS 15000.
Some serious revisions and rewriting followed, resulting in standard documents very similar to today's norm:

2002: BS 15000-1:2002 IT service management - Specification for Service Management;
PD 0015:2002 - Self-Assessment Workbook

2003: BS 15000-2:2003 IT service management - Code of Practice for Service Management
The same year a new PD 0005:2003 Guide to Management of IT Service Management was published with explanations of the purpose of BS 15000, and also the framework guidance on how to use the standard processes and implement them.
BSI 15000 was adopted by many service companies in UK, and countries worldwide accepted it.

2005: BS-15000 was placed on the “fast track” by the ISO. By the end of the year, with some moderate changes, it was published as ISO/IEC 20000 standard:
  • ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 Specification  is very formal, it defines processes and provides assessment/ audit criteria.
  • ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005 Code of Practice that gives HOW-TOs and describes best practices for implementation of Part 1.
Standard was unchanged for four years. Adoption was a bit slower due to somewhat lower ISO maturity level of the standard. The norm requirements were very demanding, and supplemental documentation was scarce and sometimes ambiguous. There was a need for some additional documentation:
2009: ISO/IEC TR 20000-3:2009 Guidance on scope definition and applicability  was published. It provided guidance on scope , applicability and of conformance for service providers

  • ISO/IEC TR 20000-4:2010 Process reference model - describes  the service management system processes implied by ISO/IEC 20000-1 at an abstract level.
  • ISO/IEC TR 20000-5:2010 Exemplar implementation plan for ISO/IEC 20000 -1 - provided guidance  to implementation of ISO/IEC 20000 by example and advice.
2011. April:  ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 - new version of specification is out.

2012. February: ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012 - new Guidance on the application of service management systems published.

If someone has an update or a correction to this, I will be very glad to update the post. Thank you.

Related posts:

ISO/IEC 20000 Essentials
A few more words on ISO/IEC 20000

ISO/IEC 20000 Rediscovered
Describing differencies and similarities of ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000

ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000 Compared
ITIL V2 - ITIL V3 - ISO20000 comparisson table

Hope this helps. Have a nice day!


  1. Anonymous2/6/11 01:27

    This was just what I was looking for. Did you try to overlap ITIL and ISO20000 history?
    Maybe it is better like this, i can do this myself.
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Anonymous6/7/11 02:36

    Nice Post. This post helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot

  3. Anonymous16/8/11 00:42

    Informative post, Im now one of your feed followers

  4. Updated with :"2012. February: ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012 - new Guidance on the application of service management systems published."
